Tell Me Goodbye ~ Big Bang

Sorry That I Loved You - Anthony Neely

Pirates of the Caribbean theme song - without pics

Pirates of the Caribbean theme song - with pics

Pirates of the Caribbean - what shall we die for

21 October 2010

Today we went to Evans Road for Post Exams Activity... Even though we lost for the Captain's Ball, we got 2nd for Basketball! Woots! :D Thanks to the boys! :D

Haiz.. Exams are over but I feel that my life is like quite empty... :P Maybe because nothing much to do. But, YAY! I am going to watch a movie with Leona and also with Chavelle this hols!!! :) Hmmm don't know whether Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows is nice to watch or not nice or even interesting... This is my first post on this blog a bit lost as to what to write :P

My exams score are not good T.T ... L1B5 is 13!!! For now only, it's still not the overall. Hope the overall is better ._. please... I almost failed my English, but luckily for me, I have my lucky star and dearest boyfriend/husband Leona! (Transferring all her luck to me even now) :D Haiz English only 55/100. But at least I passed :)

I guess that's all for now, I still need to coninue enjoying my life after exams! :)

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